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Writers Sometimes Smell Like Weiners May 26, 2011

Filed under: What's Up? — Noelle Bickle / Abby Brooks @ 2:20 PM
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Busy day today! My short story, Bittersweet was selected to be part of an anthology just being released, called Wild Words.

I submitted the piece back in the fall, and though it didn’t win, it was selected as a piece that would be part of the anthology that comes out tonight at the official launch! Yipee!

I’m pleased as punch. As a writer, you submit all kinds of work, and it feels great to get an honourable mention or place in a top- whatever. That’s happened with other submissions, and it did feel amazing, but the work didn’t get published. So as much as it was great to get the pat on the back, the high was short-lived because I never saw it in print. I could never refer back to it for a boost when I needed it.

That changes tonight though, when I pick up my copy of Wild Words (order yours now!)  Besides signing the books, I also get to take part in a reading – which I love to do. Call me a ham (HAM!) but I love me a crowd.

I have to be sure to shower and doll up, because I’ve spent the last four hours being the Hot Dog Lady at my kid’s school. I cooked up and served 152 hotdogs, and yes, I smell like a big ol’ Oscar Meyer. My dog loves me and my stench, but I think I may need to do a scrub down before the book signing.

My house may be a mess, and my kids may have to eat cereal for dinner, but tonight I’ll ride the wave of being a published writer. That my friends, makes a messy house and underfed children just a minor detail. I get to put my hair net aside (okay, I don’t really wear a hair net, but you get the picture) and don some gorgeous heels. I get to sign my name and know that after the hard work, the rise and fall of my hopes, and bearing the weight of rejections somehow finding their way to my mailbox, I am published.

In a book.

With my name on it.

And I can keep one on my bedside, and one on my bookshelf and another beside my writing-table (yes, I bought several) to remind me that I am a writer. And that writers have the mantra and mission to write on.

And I am (a writer), so I will (write on). Cheers, and wish me luck on my reading tonight!